
HubSpot Employee
Miembro desde ‎abr 11, 2024
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Tina Lin

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HubSpot Employee
Agosto 28, 2024
Hey @hubspot4747848 Sorry to hear about the UX issues. In this case, you could void the invoice which would prevent the user from paying it. Whe...Leer más
HubSpot Employee
Agosto 21, 2024
Hi all! Thanks everyone for the feedback and for communicating the need for invoice deletion. We are currently working on building the ability to del...Leer más
HubSpot Employee
Junio 08, 2024
Hi everyone, Thanks for the feedback so far. I've been chatting with some of you directly throughout the testing process and appreciate the ti...Leer más
HubSpot Employee
May 06, 2024
Hi everyone, my name is Tina and I'm a product manager at HubSpot. We are building the ability for invoice users to include additional fields that ar...Leer más
HubSpot Employee
Abril 12, 2024
Hi @BEastom8 @CHohn , Manually creating payments and recording them against invoices is live! Editing paid invoices would likely require mo...Leer más
HubSpot Employee
Abril 12, 2024
Hi everyone! I'm the product manager for Invoices at HubSpot. We did start beta testing "edit invoices" functionality recently, so you can make chang...Leer más
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