
Member since ‎Oct 17, 2018
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Ann-Charlott Boynton

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Charlott on April 14, 2021
As part of our KPIs, we would like to be able to see not just influenced contacts but also influenced contacts associated with target companies (defined by a custom property). Is there a way to filter that?
April 19, 2021
Very helpful. Interesting that Hubspot Support didn't come up with that one. Thanks!
Charlott on April 14, 2021
As part of our KPIs, we would like to be able to see not just influenced contacts but also influenced contacts associated with target companies (defined by a custom property). Is there a way to filter that?
April 19, 2021
Very helpful. Interesting that Hubspot Support didn't come up with that one. Thanks!
Charlott on April 14, 2021
Hi, we like the "influenced contacts" feature in the Campaigns tool but we are keen to see how well our aim is, as in how many of the total influenced contacts are associated with our focus/target companies. It would be great if the campaign analyti read more
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Charlott on April 14, 2021
As part of our KPIs, we would like to be able to see not just influenced contacts but also influenced contacts associated with target companies (defined by a custom property). Is there a way to filter that?
April 19, 2021
Very helpful. Interesting that Hubspot Support didn't come up with that one. Thanks!
AndreaWeir on March 28, 2018
A lot of our reporting is made very difficult by the fact that when someone is revrted to a previous lifecycle stage, HubSpot automatically deletes the value for the property "Became x Lifecycle Stage Date" for the further along the funnel stage. read more
18 Replies
October 17, 2018
Yes, but what when the salespeople actually don't work with contacts? We sell B2B - to companies, not individuals. So whereas marketing hands over more
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