
Membro desde ‎out 16, 2018
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Richard_Wein on Novembro 17, 2019
Hello. I would like to add Google Places autocomplete to Hubspot address fields. From searching the forum, I understand that this can be done for address fields in custom forms and CMS web pages (eg Leia mais
7 avaliações positivas
7 Respostas
Setembro 08, 2020
Hi Richard, I'm curious if you found a solution on how to add Google Places autocomplete to a HubSpot form. I understand that this is only possib...Leia mais
Shay on Abril 10, 2017
Migrated from legacy feedback forum with 14 votes. The ability to break forms up into 2-3 steps. Gradually asking for more information would be useful. See Unbounce's feature: Leia mais
293 avaliações positivas
103 Respostas
Janeiro 11, 2019
I'm struggling to find an external form that has multi-step logic jumps and is compatible with Hubspot. I read above that Samanthamyers tried Leadfo...Leia mais
benjaminbachman on Maio 05, 2017
We used the HubSpot's persona tool built on Typeform. This was my first experience with Typeform. It is a great platform for quickly building logic based forms that are asked in one-by-one question style. If you have never experienced it, try it her Leia mais
26 avaliações positivas
18 Respostas
Dezembro 18, 2018
Hi all, From what I'm reading here it looks like Typeform offers multi-level and dependent form functionality. I'm working on a Contact Us Hubspo...Leia mais
kevinhanson1 on Junho 06, 2017
I'm new to HubSpot and I'm seeing something on the Performance tab of one of my landing pages that I would like clarified. On the top row, there is a tab that identifies the number of Submissions a particular form has had on a landing pag Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
7 Respostas
Outubro 24, 2018
Related question. What if my page submission shows 0 submissions but the list and the form show 4 submissions? The submissions are test submissions f...Leia mais
Nikbin on Junho 11, 2017
Hey guys, we are having an issue with the validation of emails in our Hubspot form. E.g. Using the email address "" is being displayed as not valid although the domain exists. Any ideas? You can find the form here Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
62 Respostas
Outubro 19, 2018
Having the same issue, form suggesting email change to .fr instead of .org
kevin on Maio 19, 2017
I have many contacts already in my HubSpot database, but also have lots of contacts in a legacy CRM system. I want to export from the legacy system and import into HubSpot, but as the import is coming from an old system I want any data already in Hu Leia mais
20 avaliações positivas
17 Respostas
Outubro 16, 2018
@JoeDavies The process you describe sounds very familiar to me, we do that using VLookup function in Excel. But these steps are so cumbersome since...Leia mais
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