
Member since ‎Oct 12, 2018
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leebetts on October 31, 2018
I would like the ability to start a sequence from a reply in gmail. Here is just one use case: 1. We start a prospect on a sequence, which encourages them to book a demo with us. 2. The prospect replies to one of the emails in the read more
February 14, 2019
This is a big need for me. I'd like to enroll prospects in a new sequence after I receive a relevant reply. My use case specifically is if I receive more
trudy on March 02, 2018
Sometime I just want to thread one or two messages within a sequence, and not the whole thing. In Yesware, this can be done simply by leaving the subject line blank next template that you want to thread (Yesware will automatically add a re: subject read more
70 Replies
February 11, 2019
Agreed! This is standard in other email tools and surprising that Hubspot does not have it.
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