
Member since ‎Feb 15, 2024
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Rylan Czuczman

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JJong on April 20, 2021
Hi Developers, It would be a great function if it were possible to reset the lead score of a contact person to 0. This way, after e.g. a sales offer, it can be resetted to 0, and start recounting. This will benefit both the sales and marketing t read more
50 Replies
February 29, 2024
Have there been any updates to this at all? It's a pretty big design flaw and has been requested for years now.
RCzuczman on February 27, 2024
Hello there, I'm currently trying to create a workflow, where I assign contacts with a custom property/enrol them in a workflow based on a lead score, which I've set up and added elements to. However, when I try to add an if/then branch base read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
February 27, 2024
My apologies, had the single property value option checked! Thank you for the help
RCzuczman on February 27, 2024
Hello there, I'm currently trying to create a workflow, where I assign contacts with a custom property/enrol them in a workflow based on a lead score, which I've set up and added elements to. However, when I try to add an if/then branch base read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
February 27, 2024
My apologies, had the single property value option checked! Thank you for the help
DG12 on August 23, 2021
Hello, I want to branch my workflow depending on the HubSpot Score. What I want to do: Branch 1: more than X points Branch 2: less than X points How do I do this? I have chosen a "Value equals" Branch and selected HubSpot score as prope read more
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2 Replies
February 27, 2024
Hey Karsten, Was looking for a solution for this and found this thread as I'm trying to do the same thing. When I add an if/then branch and more
RCzuczman on February 15, 2024
Hi all, I'm currently attempting to manually do some attribution in order to set up/update our MCL/MQL/SQL criteria, and I'm coming unstuck with getting the data I need. I'm attempting to export a list of won deals, with marketing activity a read more
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