
Mitglied seit ‎Apr 13, 2017
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Xavier Drake

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FranzSauerstein on November 28, 2016
I am carrying this idea just over from the old HubSpot ideas plattform: Here (with a great suggestion on implemenation) And here "Many (if not all) of our clients need the ability to attribute multiple owners to Contacts, Companies and Beitrag ansehen
Januar 22, 2020
The product response is still missing the functionality to assign miltiple owners to a deal record IMO. It would be nice if we could adjust to a chec...Beitrag ansehen
emcouturier on Juni 26, 2018
As it is possible for Ads, Blog, Email and Landing pages, be able to choose who can either read, write ou publish for Social Media. Or even more, the specific account they have access to - despite the one that they own VS don't own.
9 Antworten
Dezember 04, 2019
More restriction on the insight to the other social media account's data is another concern from our end. Right now a user can access, view and repor...Beitrag ansehen
taylorfriss on Juni 21, 2017
I noticed HubSpot recently introduced Teams. It would be really nice if you could create different default property views based on team membership. For example when Team A visits a contact profile, they might only need to see HubSpot Owner and Beitrag ansehen
46 Antworten
März 25, 2019
I'm out of Kudos, but this needs to happen. We operate on a dealer distribution model and different dealers would like to mange their defaults differ...Beitrag ansehen
XavierDrake on Mai 08, 2017
Our reps have some specific reports on a specific dashboard they like to refer to on a daily basis. However, there are times where they may go an entire day without opening their laptop. It would be nice for them to have access to their dashboards v Beitrag ansehen
48 Antworten
DCL on Mai 15, 2017
Hubspot Team, Would be great to be able to clone Deal Pipelines or have Deal Pipeline templates as many of our pipelines are similar and now we are manually reacreating pipelines that are simlar or identiacal to other pipeleines. Thanks, Beitrag ansehen
103 Antworten
April 13, 2017
I will echo Brett and ask for a simple way to clone Deals across different product Pipelines with a simple click of a button.
XavierDrake on April 13, 2017
It would be nice if we could set a Default Pipeline under Deals in a similar way that we can set a Default View. We have product managers who care more about a specific product pipeline than other reps would. At the moment, even if we set a Defualt Beitrag ansehen
30 Antworten
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