
Member since ‎Jul 27, 2018
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Matthew Wilson

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Matt1986 on November 23, 2018
Hi I would like to create a custom module image slider, so i have control over the design. However i only have experience with html and CSS, and i know very little regarding Javascript. Is there a image slider template which i can use and the read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
November 24, 2018
Hi Ignore my message above, i have just reliased what i have done wrong. thanks for your reply it was very helpful! much appreciated Matt more
Matt1986 on November 23, 2018
Hi I would like to create a custom module image slider, so i have control over the design. However i only have experience with html and CSS, and i know very little regarding Javascript. Is there a image slider template which i can use and the read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
November 24, 2018
Hi Ignore my message above, i have just reliased what i have done wrong. thanks for your reply it was very helpful! much appreciated Matt more
Matt1986 on November 23, 2018
Hi I would like to create a custom module image slider, so i have control over the design. However i only have experience with html and CSS, and i know very little regarding Javascript. Is there a image slider template which i can use and the read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
November 24, 2018
Hi Ignore my message above, i have just reliased what i have done wrong. thanks for your reply it was very helpful! much appreciated Matt more
Matt1986 on November 22, 2018
Hi i have provided a link to a test page which im working on. i have been creating a custom tabber module and have nearly completed it. My only issue is that a rich text field isnt behaving like i would expect, the text is running off the page read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
November 23, 2018
Hi thanks for that. I knew it would be something stupid. I actually didn’t realise that the default wouldn’t automatically force the word to more
Matt1986 on November 22, 2018
Hi i have provided a link to a test page which im working on. i have been creating a custom tabber module and have nearly completed it. My only issue is that a rich text field isnt behaving like i would expect, the text is running off the page read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
November 23, 2018
Hi thanks for that. I knew it would be something stupid. I actually didn’t realise that the default wouldn’t automatically force the word to more
Matt1986 on November 10, 2018
Hi I have just become familiar with the repeater items in hubspot and set up a page with some custom modules using this functionality. My issue is that how can i ensure it is responsive. I would like to have 2 modules side by side when viewing read more
0 upvote
12 Replies
November 12, 2018
prefect, thank you!! you are legend :). i do appreciate you sticking with this and helping me out. I would buy you a beer if i could. thank you more
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