
Participant | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Jul 25, 2018
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Alice Didier

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EDiaz6 on May 25, 2023
Hi Everyone! I'm attempting to use webhooks in HubSpot to integrate an app called Clickwrap, it has the capacity to send webhooks, while checking the documentation here , All I see is that HubSpo read more
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Participant | Diamond Partner
January 24, 2024
Hey @EDiaz6 @Jaycee_Lewis Just wanted to follow up on this issue as HubSpot has just released a Beta to be able to catch webhooks more
mariahedges on July 25, 2018
It would be useful if it were possible to set up a subscription preference type which is private or could be hidden from everyone. For example this could be used for an internal employee newsletter who would have a subscription category that read more
Participant | Diamond Partner
September 18, 2018
Same, it would be very useful to have different types of Preference Landing Pages. I think it is a key for the projects to be fully split!
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