
Member since ‎Sep 21, 2023
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mwsidler on January 29, 2021
Marketing emails look great for light mode but when the customer views the email in dark mode the entire design is thrown off. It would be nice if Hubspot supported the ability to control what emails looked like in both light and dark mode.
19 Replies
June 02, 2024
It is 2024 and we still don't have this very very important feature? Please consider the implementation like A/B email or version 1 version 2, etc.
TBevan on December 13, 2022
Hello, I am proposing the function to archive (or move) whole folders of emails. If I archive emails, the folder remains. I want to properly tidy up. Ideally I'd like to select the whole folder (for example, a month dated folder in 2021) and read more
2 Replies
May 16, 2024
Please we need this to be implemented. It is very frustating when I can't move email folders, so I have to delete and create a new one.
vdecker on November 18, 2019
It would be nice to have functionality in the drag and drop builder to change the way things look/stack on desktop vs mobile. For example, if I have a row with image on the left and text on the right, added functionality would mean I could switch th read more
100 Replies
November 01, 2023
please consider to make this feature like elementor, the content is the same, but it can change margin, padding, font size, etc on mobile.
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