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Margstar on November 04, 2019
It would be helpful to have additional CTA options to unenroll contacts from sequences beyond the standard "booked meeting" or "replied to email." For instance, we run a lot of webinars and use Sequences to promote them to our contacts. In this case Beitrag ansehen
21 Antworten
Dezember 16, 2019
I agree as well, this feature would be very beneficial, especially if the lifecycle stage changes. for us, many of our sequences encourage leads to g...Beitrag ansehen
tmcginnis on September 22, 2017
It would be great to have the ability to create more advanced targeting options in the lead flows tool. Things like this: "User has visited X number of pages in the last week." "User has visited X number of pages containing "sales" or "prici Beitrag ansehen
Juli 24, 2019
Hi @DomRychlik , any updates on the progress os this idea? I've been folowing a similar thread ( ansehen
leo_csrt on Mai 15, 2018
It would be useful to have a feature in the Meetings tool that allows you to redirect the visitor to a URL or a custom Thank you page after filling in the Meetings. In my opinion, the "booking confirmation" is useful but being able to redirect the v Beitrag ansehen
99 Antworten
Juli 23, 2019
@glencornell Fantastic news! Can't wait for this to be rolled out.
leo_csrt on Mai 15, 2018
It would be useful to have a feature in the Meetings tool that allows you to redirect the visitor to a URL or a custom Thank you page after filling in the Meetings. In my opinion, the "booking confirmation" is useful but being able to redirect the v Beitrag ansehen
99 Antworten
Juli 23, 2019
@glencornell Fantastic news! Can't wait for this to be rolled out.
leo_csrt on Mai 15, 2018
It would be useful to have a feature in the Meetings tool that allows you to redirect the visitor to a URL or a custom Thank you page after filling in the Meetings. In my opinion, the "booking confirmation" is useful but being able to redirect the v Beitrag ansehen
99 Antworten
Juli 23, 2019
@glencornell Fantastic news! Can't wait for this to be rolled out.
Kriszti on Februar 15, 2019
The idea is to have more control over to who are we showing pop-up forms, similarly to chat bots, where it's possible to show (or hide the bot) for a specific, segmented list. It would be cool to have a "show it only to visitors who met specific Beitrag ansehen
10 Antworten
März 14, 2019
I definietly agree, especially your secind point. Smart pop-up form criteria would greatly enhance the value of HubSpot. Here's another post that's g...Beitrag ansehen
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