
Member since ‎Apr 3, 2017
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Trent on May 18, 2017
When creating a deal it would be good if there could be a 4 or 5 digit number automatically associated with the deal, (so the Hubspot system automatically associates it in a consecutive order) so that the deal can easily be referenced on all files e read more
26 Replies
October 31, 2018
Hooray, thanks HubSpot!! The critical missing step (at least for the way we need it to work) is to utilize this ID in the Salesforce connector, so more
agirard on August 31, 2018
UPDATE: Thank you for participating in the INBOUND 2018 Marketing Hub AMA. This AMA is now closed. If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out on the Marketing Forum . Next week at INBOUND, HubSpot will launch a number of read more
0 upvote
36 Replies
September 07, 2018
Hi @TomMonaghan , thanks. This sounds great, looking forward to using it!
agirard on August 31, 2018
UPDATE: Thank you for participating in the INBOUND 2018 Marketing Hub AMA. This AMA is now closed. If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out on the Marketing Forum . Next week at INBOUND, HubSpot will launch a number of read more
0 upvote
36 Replies
September 07, 2018
Hi @TomMonaghan , thanks. This sounds great, looking forward to using it!
blinkertoon on October 10, 2017
The current Eventbrite integration only pulls across standard data, e.g. name, email, company, event etc. Like many if not most other marketers, we ask additional custom questions when people register, e.g. 'Which course are you interested in stu read more
15 Replies
August 31, 2018
We definitely need this feature! Only the Home Address can be brought to HubSpot with the current integration... We're B2B, so obviously we use Work more
bellawu on April 06, 2017
We should be able to see which team member made which changes and at what time and date to both workflows and forms. This would add accountability for large teams that work collaboratively. read more
20 Replies
August 31, 2018
Two other posts ask for generally the same feature. HubSpot, your people want this ability!
Karena on August 17, 2018
There's an option to make a form smart , so you can display a different form based on different rules. We want to use similar functionality to display localized forms - use the same form for all geographies, but display translated labels / dropdown read more
5 Replies
August 25, 2018
Thanks for your extensive explanation. We've actually updated our form fields using both of your examples before, and you're right - they definitely more
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