
Member since ‎Aug 1, 2023
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OlenaBondar on May 01, 2024
Hi! I am unsure of the best way to manage different deal types. I am considering maintaining a single Sales Pipeline and introducing naming conventions to filter and report on deals, e.g., "Expansion/New Business/Downsell/Renewal - Company XYZ - $ read more
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4 Replies
May 31, 2024
@Olena This is a simple use case and I still haven't found a good way to do this on Hubspot. I posted a similar question here -> more
DeepakTalwar on March 11, 2021
It would be nice, we can able to freeze column header or first column of each report on dashboard Right now it is showing vertical and horizontal scroll bar if report content is more and on scroll in either direction, hide the column header / firs read more
15 Replies
February 26, 2024
Very much needed, please. We use dashboards for pipeline calls and want to see information like next steps, MEDDPICC fields, etc and by the time we more
Swevive on February 09, 2024
I'm working on a workflow to move lead status automatically from New -> Contacting -> Engaging -> Qualified/Unqualified. To move the status from Contacting to Engaging, I need to know if the contact has responded to any emails sent from ou read more
Swevive on September 08, 2023
My company sells both recurring revenue items as well as one-time revenue items. A deal could have just recurring revenue line items, just one-time revenue line items or a combination of recurring and one-time revenue line items within one deal. Als read more
7 Replies
January 08, 2024
@NSaley Thanks for sharing your views and furthering this discussion. In my company, we are currently not creating deals for downgrades/churns. We more
Swevive on September 08, 2023
My company sells both recurring revenue items as well as one-time revenue items. A deal could have just recurring revenue line items, just one-time revenue line items or a combination of recurring and one-time revenue line items within one deal. Als read more
7 Replies
January 08, 2024
@NSaley Thanks for sharing your views and furthering this discussion. In my company, we are currently not creating deals for downgrades/churns. We more
SamuelBanks on May 18, 2022
Hey HubSpot, We love the use of conditional functionality now within the HubSpot CRM. However, we do struggle with it only being limited to show "If Field A's value is X, then show Field B" What we're looking to achieve is, "If Field A's Value i read more
32 Replies
November 21, 2023
@Designer-Kyle Thanks a lot for detailing the different betas - it's great that both these amazing must-have features are in the works. But I more
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