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Eabhan Rowe

Customer & Partner Comms @ HubSpot. Love connecting with customers and partners big and small to understand how we can better support them.


cooperelias on Februar 19, 2020
Hey everyone - wanted to share something I set up tapping into a new feature that's still in beta I believe: the ability to calculate the difference between two datetime properties. My goal is to monitor the average amount of time between owne Beitrag ansehen
HubSpot Employee
Februar 25, 2020
This is so slick, wanted to ensure some of our users saw it whom I thought would be interested based on their intros! @ernopyykko @GWELTD @rachm...Beitrag ansehen
slogans on Juni 26, 2019
Anyone know how I can see the average number of emails delivered per contact? So, [Average delivered]+[group]+[date range]. I think the only way will be to base it around the "marketing emails delivered" contact property on contact records, but I'm Beitrag ansehen
HubSpot Employee
Juli 02, 2019
Hi there! The other way I would do (depending on your list complexity) is to export the emails that hit the "group" in question and divide by nu...Beitrag ansehen
roisinkirby on Juli 23, 2018
Last week HubSpot announced the launch of Marketing Hub Starter , a new software offering that aims to give growing teams the tools they need to start marketing right. To celebrate experts from HubSpot's own Product and Marketing Teams will Beitrag ansehen
30 Antworten
HubSpot Employee
Juli 30, 2018
ey @Anonymous great question! Lead generation/conversion is the fundamental focus of a lot of marketers because its how they drive revenu...Beitrag ansehen
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