
Member since ‎Jul 17, 2023
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James Souter

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ngottron on April 20, 2020
While the best option is to have Marketing Enterprise to manage multiple email footers , some of us do not have the resources to do so just yet. For those of us in that boat, there is a way to go so with a couple of workarounds. Due to t read more
3 Replies
July 28, 2023
This is a great workaround. Thanks for sharing.
Gafana on July 03, 2023
We are currently using the Ringcentral for Hubspot integration. What we need is to be able to automatically log all inbound and outbound calls to the associated Hubspot contact record. I see that this can be done if the calls are managed directly read more
July 23, 2023
Thank you very much! I'll take a look during the week. Nice work by the way, working this out.
Gafana on July 03, 2023
We are currently using the Ringcentral for Hubspot integration. What we need is to be able to automatically log all inbound and outbound calls to the associated Hubspot contact record. I see that this can be done if the calls are managed directly read more
July 23, 2023
Thank you very much! I'll take a look during the week. Nice work by the way, working this out.
Gafana on July 03, 2023
We are currently using the Ringcentral for Hubspot integration. What we need is to be able to automatically log all inbound and outbound calls to the associated Hubspot contact record. I see that this can be done if the calls are managed directly read more
July 23, 2023
Thank you very much! I'll take a look during the week. Nice work by the way, working this out.
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