
Member since ‎Apr 24, 2018
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Monica Peralta

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dleitch on September 20, 2018
Closing tickets is inconsistent and very clunky. There are far to many screens and they are inconsistent in functionality. 1. If we edit the ticket and choose close at the top of that ticket edit screen, we are prompted to enter the resolution read more
22 Replies
January 09, 2019
Agreed, and as there is an option to choose what properties are shown when creating a ticket, you should be allowed to choose what properties are more
mariahedges on July 25, 2018
It would be useful if it were possible to set up a subscription preference type which is private or could be hidden from everyone. For example this could be used for an internal employee newsletter who would have a subscription category that read more
April 30, 2018
Has there been a solution to this? We have an email type "Internal Notifications" which shows on our email preferences page, and clearly is not more
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