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Stevie on April 19, 2017
Currently, HubSpot will only automatically associate a Contact with a Company if the Contact's email sending domain matches the Company Domain Name of a Company record. If a Contact is using an email address that was not supplied by their company, i Beitrag ansehen
36 Antworten
September 22, 2019
Agreed, CANNOT BELIEVE this hasn't been addressed yet. It makes our data fairly unusable when we can't properly format it for targeting.
AJLaPorte_diagr on November 12, 2018
There has been a lot of chatter regarding using reporting services like SEMRush and Moz which will give you site audits. Usually, these reports give back information such as errors and issues One of the major errors I've seen reported on a lot of Hu Beitrag ansehen
Juli 29, 2019
Upvoting and following
Michiel on Juni 07, 2017
HubSpot offers a lot of default property fields, but not all of them are relevant and useful for all users when creating new contacts or editing/adding data on existing contacts . There currently isn't a way to limit property access other th Beitrag ansehen
33 Antworten
Juli 05, 2019
Need this too!! It adds so much clutter and makes it harder to pull out relevant fields and information. Please add this ability to delete default fi...Beitrag ansehen
grayson on Februar 27, 2017
Hi HubSpot Development Team, I recommend revisiting the idea to customize log activity in HubSpot Sales. I would like my team to track "Direct Mail," and I've seen others asking about logging texts and in-app messaging. Thanks for cons Beitrag ansehen
253 Antworten
April 25, 2019
Would like to request this too, it would be very helpful for our sales managers to report.
fxholl on April 29, 2017
I created some queues for my tasks to organize the tasks. Sometimes I need to pass a task to someone else to complete. It would be great to have the ability to share queues, so shared tasks in a queue would already appear in the correct queue for Beitrag ansehen
110 Antworten
Februar 11, 2019
+1 for this idea, our sales managers need to view the task queues for the reps to keep them accountable and help with productivity.
Compuware on Dezember 08, 2016
Would like the ability to view the account log-in activity of our Sales and Marketing users. Currently we have no way of knowing whether someone is logging into the system and using it or not.
83 Antworten
August 05, 2018
+1 for needing lead response time, especially by specific list membership so we can track time to first response on inbound leads. Any word on if thi...Beitrag ansehen
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