
Member since ‎Apr 5, 2023
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André Johnsson

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hqplus_mathias on September 01, 2020
As explained in my community question there's no way to add items with a price/amount less than zero. A common use case for our BDRs is to give customers a one-time discount to i.e. offset provider change fees. For that we'd simply add a product read more
28 Replies
August 16, 2024
Please give us this, it's been years
VagaeNatus on June 20, 2019
This is more like a bug than a feature request. Let's say you have 3 possible values in 'Calls and meeting types', they are {A, B, C}. Now, you realize the name of 'C' is not right and update it to 'X'. --> On standard properties, th read more
June 10, 2024
Five years later and this is only on "idea submitted"? Why on earth doesn't call and meeting types use the API name to fetch the label like all more
inigolekunberri on February 22, 2022
Custom Owner Propierties work well for Users and Permissions ; when assigning the following permissions to a user [ See Contacts > Team only ], HubSpot takes into account users from HubSpot User Property + User Custom Properties. Howeve read more
June 04, 2024
HubSpot, it's been more than two years since this request. What's taking so long? When adding a custom user property to a filter, allow me to select more
DrAS on November 29, 2023
A user can download a report, edit the spreadsheet, upload back to hubspot and thus update those updated records. Why go through that middle part with spreadsheet download and upload? Why not allow direct edits in the reports themselves? This is a b read more
3 Replies
March 06, 2024
This is a good idea. Views don't allow for cross-object filtering so bulk editing from views isn't sufficient. Create an "inline editing" permission more
mark_poyser on July 09, 2020
Hi, Not sure if anyone else has come from Salesforce on here, but from reporting aspect it was very strong, with many options for configuring reports. On the options was 'group by' in reporting. I would say that this is where Hubspot has a weakness read more
32 Replies
January 12, 2024
@JKralka it hasn't been added, unfortunately.
AJohnsson on December 11, 2023
Edit: the hubspot support team helped me solve this. The formula should be written like this: [properties.amount___complete_solution] * dated_exchange_rate([properties.deal_currency_code],[properties.closedate]) This will convert the amount i read more
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3 Replies
December 12, 2023
Yes we've got currencies configured, but I'm not interested in the amount of the total deal, just an amount of part of the deal (kind of like a line more
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