
Membro desde ‎fev 13, 2023
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Leah Glossenger


LGlossenger on Setembro 13, 2024
Hello everyone! Our company has been utilizing the HubSpot Office 365 add-in for a while now, primarily for logging customer interactions and assigning tickets internally using a few hashtag techniques. I'm interested to learn how others are Leia mais
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1 Respostas
Outubro 11, 2023
Thanks! I have looked at the marketplace link, and it was helpful, but I'm looking for more insight into how people use it and like it. 😀
LGlossenger on Outubro 10, 2023
Hi, is anyone using CoSchedule with HubSpot? If so, what are your pros and cons? and some use cases that CoSchedule has helped your organization with? We are looking into the integration of CoSchedule with HubSpot and wondering how others li Leia mais
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3 Respostas
Março 09, 2023
Do you have to go into the app and find the contact with the email and reply that way every time? or will you get a notification alert from HubSpot p...Leia mais
LGlossenger on Março 01, 2023
Has anyone had any luck with the update where you can reply to emails on the HubSpot Mobile App? I don't see the Public Beta we can join. This new feature would be great for us, so I want to try it out!
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1 Respostas
LGlossenger on Fevereiro 16, 2023
The new update for "Default" views for Index Pages is great, but it would be helpful if we could set the view for specific teams within our HubSpot account. Also, be able to apply the views at any point, not just when you have a new user. It is poin Leia mais
3 avaliações positivas
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