
Mitglied seit ‎Feb 4, 2023
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KDarroch on März 01, 2023
With the new whatsapp integration it would be great to be able to report on Whatsapp metrics as we do with emails eg. opened, replied, clicked link. Additionally, the ability to use these engagements in a workflow as we would for emails. Thes Beitrag ansehen
August 01, 2024
+ 1 for this idea.
ChoAtIron on Juli 20, 2023
When we move the conversation from one inbox to another, the default settings of assigning to is "Any One". It is assigning not based on user availability and assigning randomly. Please change to no one.
0 Antwort
ChoAtIron on Juli 17, 2023
Hello, I could not find option to add call step in journey reports. Found all the other steps that a sales team might do but not having call step doesn't make sense. Please make adding call step in creating journey report. Thank you.
ChoAtIron on März 09, 2023
Hi all, Since trials are pretty essential to our business, we record trials as custom objects and a life cycle stage as well as deal stages in HubSpot. The thing is when there are different people who participate in the purchasing process. Beitrag ansehen
k8isgreat on Juni 28, 2017
I was under the impression that when a Deal is attached to a Company, the contacts would automatically be pulled into the "Contacts" box. I would love the contacts to automatically be added when a company is attached to a deal so that 1. It Beitrag ansehen
101 Antworten
Februar 07, 2023
+1 to this idea. It is 2023 and still not happening 2017 ideas.
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