
Member since ‎Nov 16, 2022
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Jamie Lynn Natole

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TPCjnatole on September 13, 2023
Every time I go to make a change to logic applied to a main form field, the box closes and I have to re-open it multiple times. This is very frustrating if you have a field option with 16 logic actions. Having to click on the logic drop down, resele read more
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TPCjnatole on September 07, 2023
Please update the logo for Twitter to new X logo in the email assets for drag-and-drop editor.
16 Replies
TPCjnatole on June 01, 2023
To be able to know who clicks the call out button on an on-exit "form" that doesn't really have a form because it's just a button linking to another page.
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LAnastacio on February 02, 2022
Right now there is no way to delete images in the Featured image > Enabled featured image section. You can only turn it off. You can keep ending, but never delete. It's not clean. In the landing pages not sure if it's in the email section too.
7 Replies
November 16, 2022
Would love to be able to control this. It just gets messy if you can't. @hubspot
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