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Luke Fielding

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travisjones on Februar 04, 2021
We have the LinkedIn Ads/Hubspot intergration configured, but one area for improvement is to develop a way to have LinkedIn Ads lead gen forms to associate Hubspot campaigns the same way that Hubspot forms associate campaigns. The only way I’ve Beitrag ansehen
14 Antworten
Januar 11, 2024
+1 for supporting the ability to associate lead gen forms with campaigns, HubSpot already basically treats them as forms anyway.... Also ability ...Beitrag ansehen
kvlschaefer on Mai 16, 2022
What is it? If you have a connected Facebook, Google or LinkedIn ad account, you will now be able to see ad performance metrics in custom reporting. The power of custom reports coupled with your ad performance metrics data means you can now crea Beitrag ansehen
3 Antworten
Juli 11, 2023
Is there a plan to bring in cost per MQL, Cost per sql and ROI etc into this new custom report type.
annemarien on August 26, 2020
We've conducted an internal review of properties and one of the needs was to see the values in dropdowns/checkboxes, and the only way was to manually copy out the values. Would be useful to be able to export them instead. Also do you need an ide Beitrag ansehen
63 Antworten
Mai 21, 2023
Still nothing HubSpot? It's been 3 years.
surmacki on Mai 29, 2020
In "Marketing --> Planning and Strategy --> Campaigns" we create campaigns and then we are able to add assets like landing pages or static list to it and this is great. We can also add budget and campaign goal and this is great too. My pr Beitrag ansehen
Dezember 04, 2022
This would be so useful in the reporting to easily show ROI against each offline campaign! you already have all the data points, just need to stitch ...Beitrag ansehen
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