
Member since ‎Oct 26, 2022
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Gabriela Fernandez

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GFernandez34 on October 06, 2023
Hello! I was wondering if you could help me with an issue we are having: - We are creating deals for the Sales Team based on a contact's sign up. By that moment, that contact does not have an associated company. - Whenever a contact makes a pu read more
1 upvote
1 Reply
GFernandez34 on July 12, 2023
Hello! We want to track how many follow up meetings/calls we are making after a lead reaches de stage "Demo performed". The goal is to measure how many follow up meetings or calls we are having in average after performing a demo with a lead. I read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
July 13, 2023
Thanks @karstenkoehler ! definetly will try this.
GFernandez34 on July 12, 2023
Hello! We want to track how many follow up meetings/calls we are making after a lead reaches de stage "Demo performed". The goal is to measure how many follow up meetings or calls we are having in average after performing a demo with a lead. I read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
July 13, 2023
Thanks @karstenkoehler ! definetly will try this.
DiegoPI on June 11, 2018
It would be great to be able to change the default meeting reminder email or meeting booked email when creating a scheduling page. The minor customization allowed in the form of additional unformtted text is not enough. It would also be great to be read more
344 Replies
May 26, 2023
+1 - This is veeery necessary!
BenettB on November 19, 2020
Our company uses your workflows HEAVILY, but we are constantly having to work around one major limitation: The workflows can only change properties on one type of HubSpot object. For example, if you start a ticket-based workflow, you can only change read more
47 Replies
March 13, 2023
Hello! I would love to have access to this beta 🙂 thanks!
GFernandez34 on February 22, 2023
Hello! We currently have a Cart Recovery campaign on place, and would like to measure the outcomes. We would like to understand how many of the users end up making a booking after they received the email. The "booking" event is created as read more
February 22, 2023
Oh, wonderful! Thank you so much Karsten! That was just what I was looking for 🙂
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