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Lindie Johnson


AJLaPorte_diagr on Janeiro 29, 2019
There are many times when a datetime field can be beneficial for use in the contact properties. There are currently a few fields (HubSpot defaults) that contain this data but you cannot create a custom property for this kind of data through the edit Leia mais
267 avaliações positivas
91 Respostas
Junho 17, 2024
We ultimately ended up creating a drop down with 15 minute blocks using a standardized time formula. In the end, we could pass those values via API to...Leia mais
LJohnson83 on Agosto 21, 2023
I would LOVE the ability to clone custom object records with all associations (or even without as a quick fix!). Our custom objects are often created in series (they are events) where only a day changes and it would be amazing not to have to re-ente Leia mais
7 avaliações positivas
2 Respostas
AJLaPorte_diagr on Janeiro 29, 2019
There are many times when a datetime field can be beneficial for use in the contact properties. There are currently a few fields (HubSpot defaults) that contain this data but you cannot create a custom property for this kind of data through the edit Leia mais
267 avaliações positivas
91 Respostas
Junho 17, 2024
We ultimately ended up creating a drop down with 15 minute blocks using a standardized time formula. In the end, we could pass those values via API to...Leia mais
Charmaine on Setembro 09, 2019
It would be great if we could have a custom field type that was for "time." This property would let me select the time for an appointment as well as the time zone. It would help when trying to create workflows to trigger based off appointme Leia mais
Dezembro 02, 2022
Definitely need!
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