
Member since ‎Sep 20, 2022
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Francis Girard-Boudreault

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FrancisGW on November 04, 2024
We started using integrated paiement link with forms to manage registration and paiement to our webinars. Participants fill out the form and when they submit it, it brings them to the paiement link to complete paiement. We are having an issue when t read more
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2 Replies
November 08, 2024
Thank you for your feedback I'll look into this solution!
FrancisGW on November 04, 2024
We started using integrated paiement link with forms to manage registration and paiement to our webinars. Participants fill out the form and when they submit it, it brings them to the paiement link to complete paiement. We are having an issue when t read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
November 08, 2024
Thank you for your feedback I'll look into this solution!
mnio on July 16, 2021
Hi, my team is trying to get away from using Zapier as it hasn't been completely reliable. Is there a workflow option within Hubspot where a calendar invite can be sent to a new member in a list? I currently see that I can add the link to a cale read more
September 29, 2022
Thanks for the answer! Indeed it's straightforward with google calendar, but not for outlook calendar apparently. I'll keep looking 🙂
mnio on July 16, 2021
Hi, my team is trying to get away from using Zapier as it hasn't been completely reliable. Is there a workflow option within Hubspot where a calendar invite can be sent to a new member in a list? I currently see that I can add the link to a cale read more
September 29, 2022
Thanks for the answer! Indeed it's straightforward with google calendar, but not for outlook calendar apparently. I'll keep looking 🙂
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