
Member since ‎Aug 29, 2022
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Katie Montgomery

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klmontgomery80 on February 09, 2023
Hello content comrades! I come seeking your thoughts on my quandary. I've been managing our two blogs at my company for the last few years. While they both serve the same audience, they target different journey segments. One is entirely reputation-l read more
February 14, 2023
Hi Dan, thank you for your reply! To answer your question about why we're considering it - it actually stemmed from my manager, who leads content more
klmontgomery80 on February 09, 2023
Hello content comrades! I come seeking your thoughts on my quandary. I've been managing our two blogs at my company for the last few years. While they both serve the same audience, they target different journey segments. One is entirely reputation-l read more
February 14, 2023
Hi Dan, thank you for your reply! To answer your question about why we're considering it - it actually stemmed from my manager, who leads content more
klmontgomery80 on February 09, 2023
Hello content comrades! I come seeking your thoughts on my quandary. I've been managing our two blogs at my company for the last few years. While they both serve the same audience, they target different journey segments. One is entirely reputation-l read more
February 14, 2023
Hi Dan, thank you for your reply! To answer your question about why we're considering it - it actually stemmed from my manager, who leads content more
klmontgomery80 on February 09, 2023
Hello content comrades! I come seeking your thoughts on my quandary. I've been managing our two blogs at my company for the last few years. While they both serve the same audience, they target different journey segments. One is entirely reputation-l read more
February 14, 2023
Hi Dan, thank you for your reply! To answer your question about why we're considering it - it actually stemmed from my manager, who leads content more
klmontgomery80 on February 09, 2023
Hello content comrades! I come seeking your thoughts on my quandary. I've been managing our two blogs at my company for the last few years. While they both serve the same audience, they target different journey segments. One is entirely reputation-l read more
February 14, 2023
Hi Dan, thank you for your reply! To answer your question about why we're considering it - it actually stemmed from my manager, who leads content more
klmontgomery80 on February 08, 2023
Greetings content marketers! I'm an executive manager of marketing content at an edtech company in Boston. Curious if anyone in like roles feels like their employability is threatened by the burgeoning ChatGPT phenomenon. My husband just used it to read more
3 Replies
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