
Membro desde ‎fev 20, 2017
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Graham Wright

I work with arts and culture organizations to grow their audiences. Sometimes that means marketing consulting and sometimes that means throwing parties.


stephentradify on Julho 26, 2017
Allow a new condition in lists/workflows that compares different properties. One example it can help with is to automatically find who is the primary contact for a company. You could do it in a workflow like this: IF Contact Email is equal to Leia mais
409 avaliações positivas
103 Respostas
Dezembro 14, 2017
Thanks for letting me know. Glad to upvote that other idea!
ndwilliams3 on Janeiro 25, 2017
Workflows can be complex and it would be great it you could add notes to a step to explain what it's doing for other members on the team. In programming, you leave comments in the code to help explain a function, why not have something similar in Leia mais
65 avaliações positivas
44 Respostas
Abril 12, 2017
Another vote for this. For us, typically the person building the workflow isn't the same person creating the emails to be sent by the workflow, s...Leia mais
stephentradify on Julho 26, 2017
Allow a new condition in lists/workflows that compares different properties. One example it can help with is to automatically find who is the primary contact for a company. You could do it in a workflow like this: IF Contact Email is equal to Leia mais
409 avaliações positivas
103 Respostas
Dezembro 14, 2017
Thanks for letting me know. Glad to upvote that other idea!
gtwright on Março 17, 2017
There are so many ways to report on NEW customers in Hubspot, but what do you do when you want to track campaign results that include repeat customers along with new customers? I tend to rely on workflows, with the goal set to monitor a parti Leia mais
2 avaliações positivas
6 Respostas
Março 22, 2017
Thanks for the response, @cbsembler ! I hadn't seen that post on the Ideas form yet—glad to know there are at least a few others thinking about ...Leia mais
gtwright on Março 17, 2017
There are so many ways to report on NEW customers in Hubspot, but what do you do when you want to track campaign results that include repeat customers along with new customers? I tend to rely on workflows, with the goal set to monitor a parti Leia mais
2 avaliações positivas
6 Respostas
Março 22, 2017
Thanks for the response, @cbsembler ! I hadn't seen that post on the Ideas form yet—glad to know there are at least a few others thinking about ...Leia mais
gtwright on Março 09, 2017
I would love to be able to set a termination date for workflows so I don't have to worry about manually turning off a workflow at a certain date/time, for workflows built with content that is only valid until a certain date. Alternatively, I w Leia mais
29 avaliações positivas
14 Respostas
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