
Member since ‎Jun 22, 2022
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Alex Spendley

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BHastingsDRF on November 19, 2021
First of all -- Targeted Accounts are AWESOME!! Love being able to see how many and often are we touching, defining roles of stakeholders, seeing their engagement. But there is one recurring frustration -- please give us either sticky read more
February 08, 2023
This is exactly the issue! Target Accounts are great, but I need to be able to filter further. We have 4 teams but some have sub teams, and more
Barry on March 08, 2017
Is it possible to create reocurring tasks, such Ticklers? I like to set-up ticklers to contact certain customers on a regular basis. Is this possible in Hubspot? Barry
236 Replies
January 25, 2023
Hi, Whilst the repeating tasks are fine, it would be very helpful to be able to specify a date or length of time for which the task repeats for. more
plau on July 23, 2019
At the moment, chatflows are tied to a specific inbox. This means that if I want to use one chatflow to route the conversation to a different team (e.g. Support/Sales), all the members of both teams need to be in one inbox, which can be messy. read more
40 Replies
July 14, 2022
Exactly the same for us - one chatbot on the website but needs to allocated to one of 4 teams in separate inboxes based on options chosen.
EGopaul on July 22, 2021
Hi! It would be really great to have personalization tokens available from custom objects within the template creator. We use these templates for sales sequences and would like to be able to customize emails with properties from our custom objects. read more
June 27, 2022
We also need this to pull contract data to send to a contact.
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