
Miembro desde ‎may 30, 2022
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Vroni Liebl

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graceotaiza en Febrero 28, 2020
When our team emails people from their contact profile, their sent email shows up as a new message in the Conversations Inbox. This clutters the inbox and actually takes up time from the team to close out the messages. Please add a way to turn off Leer más
0 Me gusta
2 Respuestas
Enero 30, 2023
Hi @mfreiert , we are facing the same problem with sent messages in our inbox. I know that there is a sent view but sent messages are still shown a...Leer más
nickymckenzie en Octubre 20, 2020
Hello, In conversations, we like the shared mailbox feature and that email forwarding has been added. However, it would be better if we could edit the email before forwarding it. Most of the time the whole email thread is not relevant to the per Leer más
52 Me gusta
19 Respuestas
Enero 05, 2023
This is a really basic, much needed feature for us as well!
vliebl en Septiembre 22, 2022
We are facing problems due to the lack of possibility to set an OOO or Absence status in HubSpot. When someone is on vacation, we can't find that information anywhere in HubSpot and notes, tasks or tickets are left without reply. It is also not prac Leer más
22 Me gusta
5 Respuestas
HGilpin en Febrero 25, 2021
Hello! This is for the Service hub. Currently you can restrict inbox ownership to team(s) or user(s). However, ticket ownership within a pipeline is wide open. When the service reps click the drop down to assign an owner, they see every pe Leer más
27 Me gusta
12 Respuestas
May 31, 2022
I also think a ticket ownership restriction for each pipeline would be very helpful. The workaround that we are currently using to check if there are...Leer más
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