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AWhyBravo on September 02, 2024
Hey everyone, I have an app that is listed in the Marketplace. It has been verified by Hubspot and everything is fine. However, I need to add a new scope (sales-email-read to be specific). Would I lose my validation for Hubspot and need to r Beitrag ansehen
September 09, 2024
Thanks Kennedy 🙌 That definitely does help. And, yep, we are using the additional scopes to give our users more features and better integration wi...Beitrag ansehen
AWhyBravo on September 02, 2024
Hey everyone, I have an app that is listed in the Marketplace. It has been verified by Hubspot and everything is fine. However, I need to add a new scope (sales-email-read to be specific). Would I lose my validation for Hubspot and need to r Beitrag ansehen
September 09, 2024
Thanks Kennedy 🙌 That definitely does help. And, yep, we are using the additional scopes to give our users more features and better integration wi...Beitrag ansehen
JZhao on Februar 17, 2021
I created an APP in CRM and when users click the authorized URL it shows me this message on the page. What does "unverified app" mean here? You're connecting an unverified app This app's details haven't been reviewed or verified by HubSpot. Make Beitrag ansehen
September 02, 2024
The "Developer Identity" doc gives a 404. Can someone provide a new one?
AWhyBravo on Juli 11, 2024
Hey there, I see that this has been broken in the API since at least 2022*. Do we know when we can get the actual array of options for the hs_call_disposition? eg: re Beitrag ansehen
0 Antwort
AWhyBravo on Juni 19, 2024
Hi there, Since there is no Webhook for the Engagements, I need to set up polling to find any new Calls. For this, I am connecting to the GET /crm/v3/objects/calls endpoint. I feel that this is really poorly done, but I am hoping tha Beitrag ansehen
1 Antwort
AWhyBravo on Februar 28, 2024
Hey everyone, I have set up a few webhooks and am now running on production. With my app, I am saving the hubspot portal ID when they connect to Hubspot and connecting this to the tenant. Then, when the webhook events come in, I can match the tena Beitrag ansehen
2 Antworten
Februar 29, 2024
Thanks for your help @zach_threadint . I think the issue is that we had a lot of connections previous to this switch and now some of the older cli...Beitrag ansehen
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