
Mitglied seit ‎Mai 6, 2022
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Matthew Davis

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MDavis57 on Mai 06, 2022
Similar to Salesforce functionality, I want the ability to import a spreadsheet of records/contacts, and only have Hubspot update contacts, instead of updating and creating new contacts.
März 05, 2023
@JLSB Thanks for the heads up. Much appreciated.
MDavis57 on Mai 26, 2022
We implemented Hubspot in October 2021, then just migrated from Zoho CRM to Salesforce in May 2022. Since there was no real integration between HS and Zoho, we were always able to create a new lead in Zoho every time a person completed a form on Beitrag ansehen
7 Antworten
Februar 13, 2023
We’ve had to create a cumbersome set of flows in Salesforce, each sending out email notifications whether the new action is truly a new lead or an exi...Beitrag ansehen
MDavis57 on September 02, 2022
When we send out an email, we want to be able to view a report of each individual contact, how many times they opened or clicked the email, and other values such as company name, state, etc. We can export out the list of recipients for an indiv Beitrag ansehen
MDavis57 on Mai 26, 2022
We implemented Hubspot in October 2021, then just migrated from Zoho CRM to Salesforce in May 2022. Since there was no real integration between HS and Zoho, we were always able to create a new lead in Zoho every time a person completed a form on Beitrag ansehen
7 Antworten
Februar 13, 2023
We’ve had to create a cumbersome set of flows in Salesforce, each sending out email notifications whether the new action is truly a new lead or an exi...Beitrag ansehen
MDavis57 on Mai 26, 2022
We implemented Hubspot in October 2021, then just migrated from Zoho CRM to Salesforce in May 2022. Since there was no real integration between HS and Zoho, we were always able to create a new lead in Zoho every time a person completed a form on Beitrag ansehen
7 Antworten
Februar 13, 2023
We’ve had to create a cumbersome set of flows in Salesforce, each sending out email notifications whether the new action is truly a new lead or an exi...Beitrag ansehen
MDavis57 on Mai 06, 2022
Similar to Salesforce functionality, I want the ability to import a spreadsheet of records/contacts, and only have Hubspot update contacts, instead of updating and creating new contacts.
März 05, 2023
@JLSB Thanks for the heads up. Much appreciated.
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