
Member since ‎May 4, 2022
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kelseyhamon on February 02, 2023
Data from multiple select fields that have multiple values selected are showing up as individual rows for each value in HubSpot reports. For example: a deal with 3 products selected from a multiple select field, is listed 3 times, once for e read more
4 Replies
April 27, 2023
It's a very basic feature: I would like to display the number of our "unique" clients (even if we have several deals for each one) and it seems more
KaraBarnes on October 13, 2021
Hi It would be fantastic to extend the new Associations feature to cover same-type object associations. This is so we can map out associations between companies e.g. competitors, customers, partners and so on. In our context this helps us ea read more
January 10, 2023
Hello. I also need to associate a deal to another one : in our business, we usually sell a deployment program after a pilot, and I need to link a more
shiling on March 06, 2019
Currently the quote number is formatted as #yyyymmdd-xxxxxxxx, wherexxxxxxxx are random non-sequential numbers. I'd like to be able to configure how the quote number is formatted and generated, e.g. QU-xxxxxx, where xxxxxx is a sequential number. read more
113 Replies
September 19, 2022
Looking forward too! Much needed
MSala7 on August 25, 2022
Bonjour, Nos objectifs sont fixés au quadrimestre (tous les 4 mois), j'aimerais donc définir la période de prévisions et d'objectis à 4 mois, mais seules 2 options dans la page de configuration : mensuel et trimestriel. Est-ce prévu dans la read more
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NilsK on January 02, 2020
We use a specific tax % on every quote so it should be possible to set a standard and e.g. add a 19% tax on every quote created automatically. Benefits: Saves times Avoid mistakes
211 Replies
August 25, 2022
I am also very interested by a default tax tax settings for all quotes. Any update from the Hubspot team ?
MMT on September 30, 2020
MOST CRM platforms that integrate with Finance systems, or systems that are able to generate QUOTES, will allow for preconfigured settings for all quotes, company wide. Feature request Terms and conditions - allowing our company terms and read more
23 Replies
August 25, 2022
I am also very interested by a default tax tax settings for all quotes. Any update by the Hubspot team ?
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