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Arnika Bhupal

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Arnika on November 04, 2022
Make it mandatory that a contact has to be assigned to deals and tickets when they are created.
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Arnika on Oktober 20, 2022
Is it possible to have a functionality that means a contact or cannot be created without a company being created? This will stop our sales people creating contacts and deals and leaving them unassigned. This then impacts our reporting and market Beitrag ansehen
Arnika on Oktober 19, 2022
Hi, I require a developer to copy over what is in line items to Property Name on Deal. If you are able to do this please can you get in touch? I don't have the skills or time to learn how to do it myself! Thanks, Arnika
1 Antwort
Oktober 11, 2022
I also support this! I agree with @CHeski We aren't allowed to use mobiles in the office and even if we did, its unfair to ask employees to conn...Beitrag ansehen
Oktober 11, 2022
I would like this as well! I am unable to do many of the things i was able to do easily in Salesforce because this is not a feature.
Juli 21, 2022
Hiya, As in I have to manually select the tasks (Even if it is 100 at a time) and change the date. Is it possible to export the tasks, change the...Beitrag ansehen
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