
Membro do Hall da Fama
Membro desde ‎abr 6, 2022
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Jennifer Nixon

I enjoy solving problems and helping others - my favorite challenges are creating or improving processes, helping people be more efficient, and finding workarounds or creative solutions. I've been using HubSpot since 2016 and have had this strange orange glow ever since. I spend every day doing what I love, if I'm not working, I am either hiking at one of the national/state parks with my husband and daughter, spending time in the garden, traveling to new places to see the latest architecture, or reading something new.


Membro do Hall da Fama
Dezembro 10, 2024
@Simoneponti89 The effectiveness of blog posts can vary greatly depending on where the content for each posts aligns with your funnel. One wa...Leia mais
Membro do Hall da Fama
Dezembro 10, 2024
@SantiagoMilano without digging too deep, the Servicios section only has padding, full width and alignment settings - there isn't a module being ca...Leia mais
Membro do Hall da Fama
Dezembro 06, 2024
This interview makes me so happy, I hope it inspires more people to be like you @karstenkoehler - I've really enjoyed our small chats over the last...Leia mais
Membro do Hall da Fama
Dezembro 05, 2024
Nothing else I can think of to check @PamCotton until we confirm the mapping is correct and the format is right - @LuizGus_ were you able to reso...Leia mais
Membro do Hall da Fama
Dezembro 02, 2024
@Huntscape-Ops I'm 90% certain that sync/disconnect/repeat won't be possible. The other consideration you'll need to make is regarding the tags in ...Leia mais
Membro do Hall da Fama
Dezembro 02, 2024
@Hollybishop the way the image is handled in the hero depends on what theme you're using - if the developer coded it in a way to reduce the image s...Leia mais
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