
Member since ‎Mar 22, 2022
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Allen Carr

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ACarr1 on November 07, 2023
Hi all, I'm working on creating a home for clien teams that can be referenced as needed by other teams within the greater organization. We are currently using an Asana portfolio as the central location of our active client teams. The downside wi read more
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4 Replies
November 08, 2023
Hi Jen, Thanks for the response. I'm looking for something that will the show the full client services team for a given client. For example, more
ACarr1 on November 07, 2023
Hi all, I'm working on creating a home for clien teams that can be referenced as needed by other teams within the greater organization. We are currently using an Asana portfolio as the central location of our active client teams. The downside wi read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
November 08, 2023
Hi Jen, Thanks for the response. I'm looking for something that will the show the full client services team for a given client. For example, more
AaronBoatin on June 24, 2023
Hello Hubspot Community, I am trying to build two custom report to add to our Sales Dashboard and am wondering if it is possible. Right now, we're living in a manually compiled Excel spreadsheet 😑 and I know there has to be a better way an read more
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2 Replies
June 27, 2023
The first report doesn't look like something you could do in HubSpot. You could setup an export of sales data to a Google Sheet and then recreate more
ACarr1 on March 21, 2023
Hi, I'm looking for help with getting data from a Google Sheet to sync to HubSpot. I've had sucess syncing the opposite direction, but have not yet found anything that shows how to go form Sheets to HubSpot. We have a credit based model, whe read more
5 Replies
ACarr1 on September 23, 2022
Hi, I'm attempting to clear out a number of dates that were added by mistake. Some of our deals should have an empty custom date field and I'm trying to remove these in bulk. Has anyone found a way to clear out data from a field through an impor read more
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3 Replies
September 26, 2022
Thanks, that worked. I was attempting to import a blank date field and it was giving me an error. The bulk update was what I needed to clear out the more
ACarr1 on September 23, 2022
Hi, I'm attempting to clear out a number of dates that were added by mistake. Some of our deals should have an empty custom date field and I'm trying to remove these in bulk. Has anyone found a way to clear out data from a field through an impor read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
September 26, 2022
Thanks, that worked. I was attempting to import a blank date field and it was giving me an error. The bulk update was what I needed to clear out the more
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