
Member since ‎Feb 22, 2022
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Manuel Ons

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ManuelO on August 29, 2023
When I create a report on tasks I have some fields that I can add to the report but I would like to add the comments that are written on the task. I think it is interesting because we have important information and it is a follow-up on the task. Tha read more
2 Replies
ManuelO on December 05, 2022
In my company we have communication with the user through emails and Whatsapp, it would be interesting to create tickets when we receive a Whatsapp message to have all the information in the customer's profile. This way we would not have to work wit read more
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Juanita on June 24, 2021
¡Te damos la bienvenida al grupo de estudio de HubSpot Academy! El propósito de este tablero es ponerte en contacto con otras personas como tú, que están realizando cursos en HubSpot Academy, para facilitar una discusión significativa sobre read more
17035 Replies
February 22, 2022
Muy buenas, soy project manager de una empresa online. saludos
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