
Membro desde ‎fev 14, 2022
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Tony Nelson


TNelson1 on Fevereiro 25, 2022
For reporting purposes this ability is important so that all names are in the proper form. Some people put theirs in all caps or dont do any captalizing of the first letter and on reports this doesnt look professional when using the Hubspot User fi Leia mais
9 avaliações positivas
4 Respostas
Março 30, 2023
What do you mean by "via a new User record"? The other key part to this is that for instance, we at Home Office assign Hubspot Users who are franchi...Leia mais
TNelson1 on Fevereiro 14, 2022
Right now our company doesnt use Hubspot as a researching tool because the search ability is so strict. It only allows us to search by exact matches and only for one field. I wish the search would apply to all fields or that you could pick whateve Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
1 Respostas
Maio 26, 2022
Replying because of all the requests I've submitted this one is the biggest pressing need for company use.
TNelson1 on Fevereiro 14, 2022
The nice thing about the "Hubspot User" type of field is it acts like an automatic dropdown and even shows you the persons email when picking the user. What I am proposing however is that you are able to email directly like you can with a text fiel Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
2 Respostas
Maio 26, 2022
We have hundreds of franchise owners and use Hubspot to look up who the owner of a franchise is to email. FYI, we no longer want to use Hubspot Owne...Leia mais
flippyfloppies on Setembro 01, 2020
There have been a lot of posts asking to freeze the first title row, but I'm surprised there's not more requests for freezing the first column, like you often do in Excel. Right now, I can edit the columns available to view under table actions ( Leia mais
151 avaliações positivas
94 Respostas
Abril 14, 2022
The first column in object lists should be frozen when scrolling to the right so we know what line we are looking at. It'd be nice to be able to fre...Leia mais
TNelson1 on Março 03, 2022
This is really as simple as the title states. We are currently using Hubspot users as an alternative to just a text field to combat typos but this has its flaws as well. Not everyone is a Hubspot user so we have to create them and then even when w Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
0 Respostas
TNelson1 on Fevereiro 25, 2022
For reporting purposes this ability is important so that all names are in the proper form. Some people put theirs in all caps or dont do any captalizing of the first letter and on reports this doesnt look professional when using the Hubspot User fi Leia mais
9 avaliações positivas
4 Respostas
Março 30, 2023
What do you mean by "via a new User record"? The other key part to this is that for instance, we at Home Office assign Hubspot Users who are franchi...Leia mais
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