
Participante | Parceiro Ouro
Membro desde ‎fev 11, 2022
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Daniel Szaloczi

I am a full-time administrator and developer specialised in the Hubspot and Salesforce CRM-s. Recently I started to manage and lead projects for my company and my focus is fully on updating my knowledge to work with the most recent features of the CRM tools and to expand my set of skills. In my free time I am with my children and I develop board games for the future generation.


Jemma_L on Julho 04, 2022
User : Any HubSpot user with import permissions Problem. Many large/global companies using HubSpot have required property fields, that need to be completed at a contact or company level. These required property fields are used to improve se Leia mais
33 avaliações positivas
11 Respostas
Participante | Parceiro Ouro
Dezembro 19, 2022
Fully support this idea! I think it´s essential for business units as well!
DSzaloczi on Novembro 19, 2022
Most of the time contacts are created by HubSpot native tools like forms, calls, ads etc. or API push. However, once a contact created, it enrolls to workflows, lists and starts to "live" in the CRM database. If you have a false import, a no Leia mais
Annie_Birai on Abril 27, 2022
Currently, you can comment on all workflow actions, but not the enrollment critiera. Please add the comment functionality to the enrollment criteria as well :).
1 avaliações positivas
1 Respostas
Participante | Parceiro Ouro
Outubro 09, 2022
I fully support this idea, basically you could define WHY do you use those enrollment triggers? Would be super helpful to have this comment section...Leia mais
DSzaloczi on Outubro 07, 2022
Who is this feature for? Everybody who wants to control the visibility of sensitive data in the activity feed (like not to share data between departments or when setting up business units and the units have shared contacts). What is the goal Leia mais
19 avaliações positivas
6 Respostas
Participante | Parceiro Ouro
Outubro 07, 2022
Also asked HS support and it is really not existing yet! Please help let it be a real feature 😉
DSzaloczi on Outubro 07, 2022
Who is this feature for? Everybody who wants to control the visibility of sensitive data in the activity feed (like not to share data between departments or when setting up business units and the units have shared contacts). What is the goal Leia mais
19 avaliações positivas
6 Respostas
Participante | Parceiro Ouro
Outubro 07, 2022
Also asked HS support and it is really not existing yet! Please help let it be a real feature 😉
DSzaloczi on Outubro 03, 2022
This is for users who want to extract a list based on the behavior and actions of contacts who enrolled in a workflow. Currently if you want to have a segment of contacts based on an action made in a Workflow, you have to MANUALLY search them an Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
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