
Member since ‎Feb 8, 2022
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Cathy Melnikow

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CMelnikow0 on November 14, 2024
The forecasting reports are fabulous - but they're only useful if the deal amount means something to you. My client doesn't include pricing in HubSpot - they just include each "case purchased" (where all cases cost the same amount). Therefore, read more
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RAli47 on August 23, 2023
Waited too long to buy the ticket. If you're looking to sell yours, please contact me! *fingers crossed*
0 upvote
19 Replies
September 13, 2024
Hey @adamlfoster - do you still have that ticket available?
PSHarish on October 10, 2023
Hello all, We need All Activities to be synced between or auto association from contact to Deals and Companies; how to do this? Harish
1 upvote
8 Replies
August 18, 2024
This will make a huge difference for how my client sets up their whole database. Thanks for the detail!
pingle on July 05, 2017
On a form, there is a field with two different responses, which helps to determine the ideal customer. It is very important to have the feature to redirect a visitor to separate thank you pages based on the response. To B2B customers, we sell our p read more
141 Replies
February 13, 2024
I'd love to join the beta test for portal 7501201. Thanks!
Briceclark on August 01, 2018
Hello everyone! This idea serves to help all serviced-based companies currently using HubSpot. Lets be honest, the quote system HubSpot has to offer is awesome. Clean and professional format, product/service details, and even a Stripe integration read more
48 Replies
February 20, 2023
Hey @ethankopit are you also working on allowing the Stripe Payments to work with the payment schedule? A pop-up in the app says so, but not more
pingle on July 05, 2017
On a form, there is a field with two different responses, which helps to determine the ideal customer. It is very important to have the feature to redirect a visitor to separate thank you pages based on the response. To B2B customers, we sell our p read more
141 Replies
February 13, 2024
I'd love to join the beta test for portal 7501201. Thanks!
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