
Membro desde ‎fev 8, 2022
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Mike Cormack


JMwenyo6 on Fevereiro 23, 2022
Hi everyone, so i've done some of my own reserch already, but no positive answer yet, But basically, i'd like to know whether it's possible to customise a Hubspot form, specifically, I'd like to create a form that has an image background. A workaro Leia mais
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2 Respostas
Fevereiro 23, 2022
I created a hubl module for this thats a global so it can be dropped and edited across many pages, and converted to local if need be for a custom job...Leia mais
NStojkovski on Fevereiro 01, 2022
Hi! Hope someone might be able to advise regarding GDPR consent checkbox on forms. I would like to add a country field on all the forms that will update based on IP - as we know IP country is not 100% accurate and I would want to give the user the p Leia mais
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3 Respostas
Fevereiro 09, 2022
What you can do is not have the country field on the form and use a workflow to populate the coutry field by using a bunch of if thens. eg if ip ...Leia mais
Eric-Ott on Fevereiro 08, 2022
Hello; I am trying to create a report that shows a trend of current customers (a user-defined field) that have been sent Marketing Emails for the past 9 months. I want to show the trend as to how they are engaging with the emails as the month's Leia mais
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4 Respostas
Fevereiro 09, 2022
I over engineered a solution to this, more than once.... are you b2b or b2c? My solution is time consuming and add steps in when creating emails for ...Leia mais
BCole1 on Fevereiro 03, 2022
I seemed to have exhausted every workflow option I could come up with. What I am trying to do is to not have a single contact receive too many marketing emails within a certain period of time (1 per 2 days, etc). I'm aware of the send frequency lim Leia mais
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5 Respostas
Fevereiro 08, 2022
Another way you could try, (depending on how many free workflows/lists you have) is to create a workflow that increments a numeric field, let's call ...Leia mais
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