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Steven Savoie

Dieser Benutzer hat noch keine Beschreibung erstellt. Bearbeite Dein Profil hier.


SSavoie on September 14, 2023
I primarily want this for writing support articles but it should probably be available in many places. Who Support Manager Goal Provide premium support and write tons of articles without all the cognitive load currently involved. Adde Beitrag ansehen
kathigross on August 18, 2020
We need this option! Unless we send from Gmail, we cannot "unsend" from Hubspot. Using HubSpot to send emails is a better option for me and I need a way to "unsend" from the platform.
April 13, 2023
Also, Hubspot caused an issue for me that made me look pretty dumb, and I couldn't unsend the message though I noticed the issue as soon as it was se...Beitrag ansehen
SSavoie on April 05, 2023
After a few mishaps where some folk sent an email reply instead of a comment, my team (understandably) avoids commenting on email threads like the plague. This is an issue for me. I have support experience in a company with multi-award-winning Beitrag ansehen
1 Antwort
April 13, 2023
While my initial complaint is that comments are important to us but currently useless, the feature I am actually asking for is this one: https://co...Beitrag ansehen
kathigross on August 18, 2020
We need this option! Unless we send from Gmail, we cannot "unsend" from Hubspot. Using HubSpot to send emails is a better option for me and I need a way to "unsend" from the platform.
April 13, 2023
Also, Hubspot caused an issue for me that made me look pretty dumb, and I couldn't unsend the message though I noticed the issue as soon as it was se...Beitrag ansehen
kathigross on August 18, 2020
We need this option! Unless we send from Gmail, we cannot "unsend" from Hubspot. Using HubSpot to send emails is a better option for me and I need a way to "unsend" from the platform.
April 13, 2023
Also, Hubspot caused an issue for me that made me look pretty dumb, and I couldn't unsend the message though I noticed the issue as soon as it was se...Beitrag ansehen
SSavoie on April 05, 2023
After a few mishaps where some folk sent an email reply instead of a comment, my team (understandably) avoids commenting on email threads like the plague. This is an issue for me. I have support experience in a company with multi-award-winning Beitrag ansehen
1 Antwort
April 13, 2023
While my initial complaint is that comments are important to us but currently useless, the feature I am actually asking for is this one: https://co...Beitrag ansehen
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