
Member since ‎Jan 21, 2022
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Scott Spanier

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SSpanier on October 30, 2023
I would like to pull a report that has all of the notes organized by deals where a meeting has been booked so that I can have AI review the post demo notes and make recommendations on what's working and what's not.
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JaclynSchmitz on January 28, 2020
It would be great to have the ability to easily a/b test with email sequences. Certain emails within the sequence may perform better with variable wording, but there is no easily way to test this.
125 Replies
November 14, 2022
2 years since posting and nothing has been developed... I've taken my emailing out of Hubspot solely because of A/B testing. Dissapointing to see more
SSpanier on July 21, 2022
It would be helpful to have a property to filter deals or contacts by the person who last contacted them or enrolled them in a sequence. Use Case: When contacts are enrolled in a sequence, the person enrolling should become the deal/contact ow read more
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JVeirs on June 24, 2020
It would be very convenient to be able to log activities under a contact which you have a task scheduled for without having to complete the task at the same time. This would allow ease of updating / moving tasks without having to create a new task read more
84 Replies
July 14, 2022
Completely agree, the completion of the task messes up our sequence flow by automatically moving on to the next action when most of the tasks are more
PDentonD22 on December 10, 2019
It'd be fab if HubSpot had the option for a night/dark mode to improve the UI. Did my eyes in working in the Chatflow tool all day (with blue-light blocking glasses!)
205 Replies
February 09, 2022
Please, please, please add dark mode!! The chrome extension is just inverse colours and looks so wrong.
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