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Dustin Perolio

Developer. Designer. Gamer. Binge Watcher. Open Source Advocate. Tech Enthusiast.


John on Julho 12, 2021
Sometimes things can be tricky to navigate to if there is negative margin or hidden modules on mobile. It would be nice to have right click navigation similar to elementor's. Their's has arrangement capabilities, but I'm more concerned with just Leia mais
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Fevereiro 25, 2022
@jmclaren wrote: Would being able to see columns, rows, and sections within the "contents" tab of the page solve this issue? Also as a develope...Leia mais
dperolio on Janeiro 04, 2022
Who Does It Benefit Marketers and Developers Value To Be Gained To restore a value to its default, providing you don't know what the default was, the marketer must remove the module and re-add it to the page. This would help make it easier Leia mais
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Janeiro 11, 2022
I'm not sure if this was already in place or not, but this feature is now available on style fields, which was pretty much the point of the suggestio...Leia mais
roisinkirby on Outubro 20, 2016
Hi 👋 Welcome to the HubSpot community! We are thrilled to have you here! ❤️ We want you to know that this community has been created with you in mind to build professional connections, explore new ideas, access video tutorials, Leia mais
105 avaliações positivas
4215 Respostas
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Janeiro 06, 2022
Thanks @MiaSrebrnjak , happy to be here and help! @MiaSrebrnjak wrote: Hi @dperolio , thank you for taking the time to write this wonde...Leia mais
dperolio on Janeiro 04, 2022
Who Does It Benefit Marketers and Developers (because helping marketers is the developer's job 🙂 ) Value To Be Gained The developer would be able to more easily make a marketer aware of the existence of a field/setting, and convey reason Leia mais
dperolio on Janeiro 04, 2022
Who Does It Benefit Marketers and Developers Value To Be Gained To restore a value to its default, providing you don't know what the default was, the marketer must remove the module and re-add it to the page. This would help make it easier Leia mais
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro
Janeiro 11, 2022
I'm not sure if this was already in place or not, but this feature is now available on style fields, which was pretty much the point of the suggestio...Leia mais
dperolio on Janeiro 04, 2022
Who Does It Benefit Marketers and Developers (because helping marketers is the developer's job 🙂 ) Value To Be Gained This would allow for the possibility of a more catered page editing experience for marketers. Description Curren Leia mais
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