
Participant | Partner
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Member since ‎Jan 17, 2017
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BrianR on September 20, 2018
I think it would be good to be able to pause a sequence. Sometimes you put a prospect on a sequence and things happen... illness, weather (hurricanes) and there is no sense continuing sending them emails and making calls when you know they aren't go read more
103 Replies
Participant | Partner
September 04, 2020
This would be very helpful. I hate to stop a sequence and restart later by sending the first email again, but it doesn't make sense to send emails more
michaelpowens on February 17, 2017
There should be a way to set the default font and font size in the Email client within the CRM?
107 Replies
Participant | Partner
December 16, 2019
Hello- Does anyone know where this stands?
michaelpowens on February 17, 2017
There should be a way to set the default font and font size in the Email client within the CRM?
107 Replies
Participant | Partner
December 16, 2019
Hello- Does anyone know where this stands?
Jason3 on October 06, 2017
Currently when you create a task the default email reminder is set to on. Personally, I do not need emails sent to me for every task as I am actively logged into HubSpot all day and make many calls etc. My inbox would be bombarded. It would be read more
59 Replies
Participant | Partner
March 01, 2018
I second this. The task menu is enough. Email reminders create clutter.
CSG on January 17, 2017
I am pretty new hubspot partner and have a client with several distinct personas and distinct service offerings within each persona. In order only send information a contact might have an interest in I want to build a Contact Property that read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
Participant | Partner
January 17, 2017
This is exacltly what I need. Although based on your feedback I might just keep it simple and use that list as is if it is not too long. Thanks more
CSG on January 17, 2017
I am pretty new hubspot partner and have a client with several distinct personas and distinct service offerings within each persona. In order only send information a contact might have an interest in I want to build a Contact Property that read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
Participant | Partner
January 17, 2017
This is exacltly what I need. Although based on your feedback I might just keep it simple and use that list as is if it is not too long. Thanks more
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