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D'Ana Guiloff

I share my love of all things HubSpot with communities across the globe #helpingadminshelpthemselves and #hiringforhubspot as a Supered HubSpot Admin & Advocate. 🧡 💖 Join me each Tuesday LIVE at the HubSpot Admin HUG with Kyle Jepson and every other Thursday at the SURGE so you can become your own Supered HubSpot Admin! Wanna connect in the meantime? HubSpot Admins should reach out in the Sprocketeer Slack, where all of the most brilliant HubSpot minds mingle to discuss all things HubSpot. Supered Admins can join the SuperedJAM Slack, where the #SuperedSquad supered charges their HubSpot instances for themselves and others. When I'm not helping admins or striving for 100% adoption, I'm spending time with my 2 daughters as their Girl Scout Leader (yes selling cookies too), finding ways to help rescue animals or sipping bourbon with my husband.


DAnaGuiloff on Abril 10, 2024
If you're a Salesforce whiz who's new to HubSpot (or curious about it!), this is for YOU! Does HubSpot orange have you feeling Salesforce blue? Change is hard! There's no way around that. But we can make the transition from Salesforce Leia mais
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DAnaGuiloff on Abril 05, 2024
What do you do when you’ve made a mistake that you’re worried has ruined everything? Join Kevin MacDonald from the HubSpot Support team to learn how you can turn those “uh oh” moments into “huzzah!” moments. ——————————— Reme Leia mais
3 avaliações positivas
3 Respostas
DAnaGuiloff on Março 27, 2024
HubSpot’s acquisition of Clearbit has caused quite a stir! Wondering what it means and where we’re headed? Join Matt Sornson, former CEO of Clearbit and current GM of Clearbit at HubSpot, as he talks through what Clearbit is and what it mean Leia mais
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DAnaGuiloff on Março 27, 2024
There's a lot happening with HubSpot forms in 2024. Forms are one of HubSpot's oldest and most foundational tools, but if you think you know everything they can do, it's time to check again. The forms tool is in the midst of receiving Leia mais
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DAnaGuiloff on Março 08, 2024
Gmail and Yahoo recently announced some new deliverability rules. You may have seen HubSpot product updates related to one-click unsubscribes, SPF and DMARC, and variable domains. Come learn what it all means in this session of the HubSpot admins H Leia mais
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DAnaGuiloff on Março 08, 2024
RSVP for future events: The flexibility of HubSpot's data model has increased a lot in the past year. Custom objects have continued to mature, the Data Model Overview has become much more robust, and Leia mais
1 avaliações positivas
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