
Participante | Partner nivel Platinum
Miembro desde ‎ene 11, 2017
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Matt Simpson

Director of digital marketing and other things with pixels.


Participante | Partner nivel Platinum
Agosto 01, 2023
@velliott @ethankopit - if this feature is still in the works, it would make a TON of sense for the quote reference and invoice # to be mirrored....Leer más
Participante | Partner nivel Platinum
May 18, 2023
@kvlschaefer to be clear.. this issue happens when we send a quote for signature + payment to our client . The client is the one who experiences t...Leer más
Participante | Partner nivel Platinum
Enero 19, 2023
We tried to cache clearing and incognito with no luck. Not using VPN or ad blockers. This creates massive friction in the closing process. Can you es...Leer más
Participante | Partner nivel Platinum
Enero 04, 2023
We've also experienced this loop recently. Creates a ton of friction in the sale process. We're trying @kvlschaefer solution below - wondering if a...Leer más
Participante | Partner nivel Platinum
Febrero 01, 2017
Right on, @relabidin - appreciate you passing along. Trying to spread the love with the dev community 😉
mattymow en Enero 31, 2017
The development team at Magnetic recently launched a Snippet Library for improved developer workflows when using the Visual Studio IDE. Installation is super easy and the library supports all HubL modules. Read full details on the Visual Stud Leer más
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  • Participante | Partner nivel Platinum
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