
Member since ‎Aug 31, 2021
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Nicholas Reid

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NReid on March 30, 2023
It seems that the links to dashboard that are filtered using the new beta method are not static. You can literally watch the link change multiple times as you are viewing the dashboard. As a result we are unable to save specifc dashboard views.
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NReid on March 17, 2022
It would be great if we could hyperlink text in a playbook. Right now you can only paste the link as text.
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NReid on February 23, 2022
Our reps are utilising a check in playbook when calling customers. They are finding that the 2nd time they reach out to a customer that the notes from the previous call are still filled in on the playbook when they open a new one. They are having t read more
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aruniyer on June 09, 2020
Hello Currently snippets are visible to everyone who accesses HubSpot. We need an ability to mark them private or only share with the team. Thanks Arun Iyer
January 06, 2022
Having team level view permissons for snippets would be great. As a marketplace it creates clutter when one of our teams is trying to search for a more
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