
Member since ‎Jul 27, 2021
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Pawel Popek

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pawel_p on August 05, 2021
Hi, I recently made a free account to take some training. I finished one of them, the HubSpot CMS for Developers. While doing it from an account I named 'Academy' (id 20415726), it was stated that you can create a free account with CRM. I named read more
August 05, 2021
Hi Ryanne, I manage to go around. While being on my profile / account where is CMS go, I whent to a HubSpot Academy form naviagation and more
pawel_p on August 05, 2021
Hi, I recently made a free account to take some training. I finished one of them, the HubSpot CMS for Developers. While doing it from an account I named 'Academy' (id 20415726), it was stated that you can create a free account with CRM. I named read more
August 05, 2021
Hi Ryanne, I manage to go around. While being on my profile / account where is CMS go, I whent to a HubSpot Academy form naviagation and more
pawel_p on July 27, 2021
I have an error in my CSS file saying "Could not resolve function 'color'" on the line where I have the theme override specific styles: /* Theme Override Specific style */ {% set header_bg_color = color(theme.header.background_color) %} {% s read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
July 27, 2021
Thanks. I manage to fix that before you sen the reply. The color() function I saw in a boilerplate theme, when i created a example in a Design more
pawel_p on July 27, 2021
I have an error in my CSS file saying "Could not resolve function 'color'" on the line where I have the theme override specific styles: /* Theme Override Specific style */ {% set header_bg_color = color(theme.header.background_color) %} {% s read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
July 27, 2021
Thanks. I manage to fix that before you sen the reply. The color() function I saw in a boilerplate theme, when i created a example in a Design more
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