
Mitglied seit ‎Jul 23, 2021
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Christopher Box

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Tommy123 on September 24, 2020
I get daily notifications of tasks due for each day. I don't use the automated call window, but either way, when I put a note into the notepad, the system auto completes (marks through) the existing task. I almost never want to do that. The system s Beitrag ansehen
1 Antwort
Januar 14, 2022
Yes. It should default to just saving the note (just like a call does). You should have the option to simply 'save note' or 'save note and complete...Beitrag ansehen
Saul-UK on Oktober 05, 2020
It would be a good idea if you let users change the backwash colour slightly on Contact Records and Company Records and Deals Sections, to subtle but different colours, as right now, it all looks a bit "samey", so it isn't easy to tell which section Beitrag ansehen
Juli 23, 2021
Yes, I often pin a note on the Company page intending to pin a note on the Deal page. Different color of background between Contact, Company, and De...Beitrag ansehen
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