
Member since ‎Jul 14, 2021
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Emily Gonzales

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EGonzales on April 18, 2023
We have some airtable bases where we have some linked tables to hubspot lists. My hope is to have a formula field that uses the Contact record id to have a live link directly to the contact record in hub. Like this: read more
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4 Replies
April 25, 2024
Yeah! I ended up creating a new field and a workflow to copy the record ID into it in every record. Then you can access this record ID field in the more
fracant on November 01, 2023
Hello guys, I have a nice challenge here! Scenario: I have a list of deals with contacts and line items associated, which have been imported through an integration. Each contact has an External ID, which will be added to each line items ( read more
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2 Replies
January 03, 2024
We'd love to learn if it is possible to see products purchased on contact records.
EGonzales on April 18, 2023
We have some airtable bases where we have some linked tables to hubspot lists. My hope is to have a formula field that uses the Contact record id to have a live link directly to the contact record in hub. Like this: read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
April 25, 2024
Yeah! I ended up creating a new field and a workflow to copy the record ID into it in every record. Then you can access this record ID field in the more
EGonzales on April 18, 2023
We have some airtable bases where we have some linked tables to hubspot lists. My hope is to have a formula field that uses the Contact record id to have a live link directly to the contact record in hub. Like this: read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
April 25, 2024
Yeah! I ended up creating a new field and a workflow to copy the record ID into it in every record. Then you can access this record ID field in the more
ATempleman on January 05, 2023
Hi there - I have a query which hopefully will be easy to solve. I'm trying to create a smart list to only include a single contact from each company. I've set up an associated label called 'Primary Contact', and assigned it to several contacts. read more
17 Replies
April 18, 2023
OH MY GOSH! user error. The issue was that the association was a DEAL association that i thought was a COMPANY association. I have revised my more
EGonzales on February 07, 2022
All settings indicate i should be able to add this field to a form, yet when i drag it in, it wont drop in! I deleted the field and started over in case it was just a glitch and STILL i cannot get this property into my form. WHAT IS HAPPENING!! read more
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7 Replies
April 18, 2023
This helped! thank you!
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