
Miembro desde ‎jul 1, 2021
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Gabriel Pagotto

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Febrero 21, 2022
Hey @johnelmer ! Thanks for the reply ! I will take these to my team and see what we can do! Again, Many thanks ! 😄
Febrero 09, 2022
Hey, that would be awesome, BUT, I do have another suggestion. Add so we can change the association type inside a workflow, whenever creating anothe...Leer más
Febrero 09, 2022
That would be perfect for my business too, let's hope the devs see to it soon 🙂
Gpagotto en Octubre 18, 2021
Today is only possible to "delete"/"edit" a recurring task through going on each of the individually. I think it would be an invaluable tool to bulk delete/edit these tasks, like "Remove all recurring from selected tasks", or something like a filt Leer más
Gpagotto en Octubre 18, 2021
Hey! I would like to integrate all my HS data into my datalake on AWS. Courrently, i'm limited to "backup" data there, and using it on another platform (looker), due to the API limits. At this momment, i'm only updating a few properties WHEN the Leer más
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